Telegram, the popular messaging app, is set to release a major feature update in July: Stories. This update will allow users to share temporary posts that can last for different durations, ranging from 6 to 48 hours. Users will also have the option to make their stories permanent.
Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, initially had reservations about adding Stories to the platform but yielded to user demand after years of requests. In a message addressing the upcoming update, Durov acknowledges that the addition of Stories will make it easier for users to gain visibility and potentially go viral on Telegram.
The introduction of Stories will enhance user profiles, making them more informative and colourful. Users will be able to explore additional content from their closest contacts and learn more about the individuals they interact with in groups or channel comments. Channels will also benefit from increased exposure and subscribers once the ability to repost messages from channels to stories becomes available.
Durov highlights six key features of Telegram Stories: Privacy, Compact UI, Flexibility, Captions, Dual Camera Support, and Optional Ephemerality.
- Privacy: Users have precise control over their audience, with options to share stories with everyone, only contacts (with exceptions), selected contacts, or a list of Close Friends.
- Compact UI: Stories will be located in an expandable section at the top of the chat list, ensuring easy access without taking up valuable screen space.
- Flexibility: Users can hide story posts from specific contacts by moving them to the “Hidden” list in the Contacts section.
- Captions: Users can provide captions for their photo/video stories, adding context, links, or tags to enhance the content.
- Dual Camera Support: Telegram will introduce the option to simultaneously post photos and videos taken from both the front and rear cameras, offering a unique perspective.
- Optional Ephemerality: Users can customize the duration of their stories, choosing from 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Additionally, there will be an option to permanently display stories on the profile page, with individual privacy settings for each story.
The feature is currently in the final testing phase and is expected to be rolled out in early July. Telegram users can look forward to a more dynamic and engaging experience with the addition of Stories.
Olubunmi Samson Fakeye, also known as Bjazz, is a prominent Gospel producer, pianist, and Psalmist. He has collaborated with several award-winning artists and renowned brands in the Nigerian and African music industries.
Bjazz’s latest release, “Wait on JESUS,” is a powerful song that aims to touch the hearts of listeners in moments of prayer and deep worship. According to Bjazz, the inspiration for the song came during a fellowship with fellow musicians Caleb David and E-Daniels. During this time, the Lord opened his eyes to the scripture in Isaiah 40:31, which says: