Home » 5 Signs It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Your Braids and DIY with Smile

5 Signs It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Your Braids and DIY with Smile

Rotimi Matthew

by Our Reporter

Braids are like a fabulous accessory for your hair—stylish, functional, and also so versatile! But even the most stunning braid styles have their shelf life. Ready to find out if it’s time to take those braids out? Grab a mirror, a comfy seat, and let’s dive in!


  1. Do you find yourself battling a frizz monster every time you try to tame your braids?

A little frizz is just part of the braid life, but if your braids look like they’ve been through a tornado, it’s time for a change. Check if your braids have transformed into a fuzzy, untamable mess. If you’re struggling with tangles and the overall texture feels off, your hair is begging to breathe. Give your braids a gentle tug, if they start to unravel or seem too loose, that’s a strong sign it’s time for a braid break.


  1. Is your scalp disturbing you with constant itching and irritation?

A comfortable scalp is key to enjoying your braided look. If you find yourself scratching more than you’re admiring your braids, it might be because your braids are too tight or its time for a change. Listen to your scalp since its giving you a hint! Try lightly massaging your scalp with your fingertips. If it feels itchy or sore, that’s your cue to say goodbye to those braids.


  1. Noticed that your hair has grown a few inches and your braids are looking a bit… stretched?

Braids are great for helping your hair grow, but once your natural hair is outpacing your braids, it’s time for a change. If your new growth is starting to peek through or the ends of your braids look like they’ve seen better days, it might be time for a fresh start. Check your hairline and the ends of your braids. If you see significant new growth or split ends, it’s time to swap out those old braids for a new look!


  1. Has your hairline started receding? Is your hairline starting to look like a scene from a horror movie?

Braids should enhance your look, not cause damage. If your hairline or edges are thinning or breaking, your braids might be too tight or have been in for  too long. Don’t ignore these red flags, your edges deserve some love!Gently pull on your hairline and check for any signs of thinning. If your edges are feeling fragile, give your braids a break and focus on nurturing your hairline.


  1. Are your braids starting to look like they are ready for a wild party—loose and unruly?

When your braids start to lose their structure or look like they are unraveling, it’s a sign that they have served their time. Loose or messy braids can be more prone to tangling and damage, so it’s best to give them a graceful exit. Run your fingers through your braids. If they’re slipping out of place or looking less polished, it’s time to say goodbye and start fresh! 

Your hair is an important part of you, and sometimes, that means knowing when it’s time for a change. If you have spotted any of these signs, take a moment to appreciate your braid journey and give your hair the care it deserves. So what do you think? Happy braiding (and un-braiding)!



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